Monday, September 8


There was a time when you believed all the stories you came across. Grandma used to fool you with her bed time tales. You have now grown up. But have you ever asked your elders why they had lied to you and coerced your mind into gladly relying on imagination to account for all the answerless questions? You can now distinguish between a story and the truth. But isn't a more acceptable lie the truth for you? Mankind needs to evolve further. Might be into a species which has chlorophyll on its skin instead of a mouth. Evolution does not stop with you. We are not the direct descendants of God. We are just another phase in the change, as were all the animals and birds. Then why do you keep thanking the God for having created the sky, the earth and everything in it for you? You are just another race with special skills in worrying. You are afraid of the future. You try to control it, but in vain. So you pray. So you save. You plan. You study. You forgive and so on.

You are even troubled with others noticing your inherent worry. So there were stories about greater forces commanded by the omnipresent God and your fate being controlled by stars, constellations and their positions. Brilliant works of human imagination. Each story had its share of followers. Religions thus multiplied. Everything you can't explain was described as the work of the Almighty. Religion says the only thing God demands from you is belief. Even doubts can get enlisted under blasphemy. So no questions are permitted to be asked. God is safe in his kingly throne.

And thus there was order. You were born into a cage. You will live inside it till your last breath and pontificate non stop about freedom. But what do you accomplish? You don't even know what the actual world which does not enforce restraints on you is like. I too might get branded as mad because I chose to explain the truth to you. I pity you. Things were never under your control. You walk along the lines drawn by the society as if you are being dragged by a chain. But it is your life damn it. You do what ever you want with it. Show some resistance. Why should you listen to the morons who kept to the road, missed all the good places on the way and died without reaching anywhere?

Life is not a journey. You celebrate it. You live it in your own style. Remove the warnings and chop down the signposts. There is neither a heaven above the clouds nor a hell below the ground. Don't chain yourself. Break the already existing fetters of morality and hypocrisies. Release the devil in you. Go mad. There is no one you have to answer to. You want to sing? Scream on. It’s your voice. Who is your neighbour to command you to keep it down? Dance. Play. You want to drive your bike at 200km/hr, who told you not to? Don’t be bound by the rules. Show the finger to your boring professor. Make aeroplanes with your aeronautical engineering question paper. Go sleep around if that’s what you want. Be a freak. I'm not saying draw your own limits. Abstinence is not life. Let there be no limits for you. It’s your life. And you have only one life. There are no horizons. Fly away. I’m up in the sky. Alone. Come, join me. Bring the world with you.


g3 said...

Honey you have so much potential, seriously :) the beginning was very good, the last few lines ( I'm up in the sky...) made a great ending. it has to be a little more coherent though and paragraphs more tidily arranged; plus initially i thought the post was more than about screaming out loud and yelling at profs :) one must have infinite freedom as long as it does not interfere with another person's life or emotions. And I believe in God though, the mathematical probability of his/her existence being 63% :) Read a lot da, you could make an amazing author :)

Alone in the rain... said...

thanks a lot da... i dont understand why we have to follow some stupid etiquette even though i'm not interfering with anyones emotions... and i thought existence of god is like tossing a coin. 50-50 chance. 63%??u should tell me more about it some day.

Anonymous said...

really good post da..!!loved it more as i read it more n more write really really well.. :)

Tony Sebastian said...

You continue to amaze and delight :) I'm completely in awe :)

Asphalt Girl said...

A truly wonderful post. You seriously write amazingly well. It was very refreshing and eye-opening. And I echo rekha... read the post a few times over and over again :)
Keep it up da! Don't stop penning :)

raul23mj said...

seriously i dont know what to say....I am of the opinion that there must be concept like god....guess this shows your view to life...nice...anyway....

Sumi Mathai said...

im speechless...
my kindred soul,do u see me up in d sky??